The definition of Ballotine, according to Larousse Gastronomique meat, fowl, game or fish which is boned, stuffed and rolled into a bundle.

               In the culinary arts, a traditional ballotine is a deboned leg of a chicken, duck or poultry stuffed with ground meat and other ingredients, tied and cooked. A ballotine is usually cooked by braising or poaching.

                     In modern kitchens, a ballotine is sometimes made from other parts of the poultry, such as the breast, not strictly the leg. Moreover, a modern ballotine can be made using any type of meat, not limited to poultry. A ballotine can be served hot or cold.

Equipment required:

• A very sharp knife to cut off the wings (recommended - a chef's knife)

• A very sharp knife that fits your hand comfortably, to debone the chicken. (recommended - a boning or paring knife)

• Clean, sterile cutting board

• Lots of kitchen towels

• Cotton kitchen twine

• Roasting pan

          It can be glazed with aspie or coated with chaud-froid sauce and can be served cold or hot.
