Pork - Cuts of pork and their Uses

Pork - Cuts of pork and their Uses

                        Fresh pork is at its best from September to April (the months with an Tin them). At 5 to 6 weeks it is known as suckling pig.

Sign of quality

(i) Lean flesh should be pale pink, firm and of a fine texture.

(ii) The fat should be white, firm, smooth and not excessive.

(iii) Bones should be small, fine and pinkish.

(iv) The skin or rind should be smooth.

1. Leg

2. Loin

3. Spare-rib

4. Belly

5. Shoulder

6. Head (whole)




Order of dissection:

(i) Remove the head.

(ii) Remove the trotters.

(iii) Remove the leg.

(iv) Remove the shoulder.

(v) Remove spare ribs.

(vi) Divide loin from the belly.

1. End Collar

2. Prime Collar

3. Fore Hock

4. Top Back

5. Top Streaky

6. Back and Ribs

7. Prime Streaky

8. Short Back

9.Thin Streaky

10. Long Back

11. Flank

12. Corner Gammon

13. Slipper

14. Middle Gammon 

15. Gammon Flock

Cuts & Their Uses

(i) End collar - Boiling, Braising

(ii) Fore hock can be bought boned and rolled - Boiling

(iii) Prime collar - Boiling (either whole or cut into smaller pieces) 

Rashers can be fried or grilled.

(iv) Top streaky - Thinly sliced rashers can be used for frying and grilling OR Can be boned & boiled. 

(v) Top back (good lean cut) - Boiled or braised whole or cut into thin rashers and grilled. Cut into rashers and grilled.

(vi) Back and ribs - Cut into rashers and grilled.

(vii) Prime streaky (the best cut of streaky bacon) - Boiled in one piece or cut into rashers.

(viii) Short back (one of the best cuts for breakfast frying) - Frying

(ix) Thin streaky - Grilling

Frying (Crisp and well cooked)

(x) Long back - Sliced thinly and fried gently or grilled quickly

(xi) Flank (good cut to be served with liver or other meats and in a minced bacon recipe) - Boiling OR Frying

(xii) Corner gammon (lean and well flavoured) - Boiling whole (serve hot or cold) or cut into rashers for grilling

(xiii) Slipper (gammon lean small cut) - Boiled whole (serve hot or cold) or lean rashers for frying. 

(xiv) Middle gammon - Boiled whole (serve hot or cold) or lean rashers for frying. 

(xv) Gammon hock - Should be partly boiled and then baked (serve hot or cold.)
